
This category of recipes, listed as appetizers/starters are often served before the main meal. They are usually accompanied by alcoholic drinks, water, juice, soft drinks and tea or coffee.

Appetizers are usually passed around while guests mingle and socialize. It helps to break the ice, begin conversations and of course satisfy the taste buds. The only problem, for me, is, trying to limit the amount of starters that I consume, as the main meal is still to come. It is hard to resist because starters are usually all so delicious

To overcome this, it is advisable to serve healthy appetizers. These include freshly cut leeks, carrots, broccoli and other vegetables which may be accompanied with a dip. Salads make excellent appetizers as well. you will find salad recipes at Salads & Sambals.

The appetizers in this collection are a mix of fresh vegetables and the fried or baked varieties. If you eat fried food occasionally and in moderation, it should not be a problem.

I hope you enjoy these recipes that also make good side dishes. Please use the links above to visit the various recipes.

If you have any questions or would like to add a recipe of your own, email me, Nirmala, at email address.
I will be happy to help in any way I can. The site will be regularly updated with tasty recipes, hints and tips. You can also reach me at Contact

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